Donations for Community Resource and Outreach Center

$20 of $10,000 raised

Dago children has always provided and acted as a resource center for the community. We hope to continue and expand our efforts to help give these opportunities to Dago.
Currently we have partnered with good friends and universities to create startups and entrepreneurship opportunities for Dago.

Computer Center:
We have a small computer center in Ranen that is acting as a resource center for the people of Ranen center. This is privately owned project with intent to provide all the computer needs and classes for the region.

Community Library:
Dago children center has always provided a small room that can be used as a library for the girls. We hope to provide more relevant materials and resources that would help the community and youths scale up their ideas and literacy needs. In the long run, we can build a resource center for the community.

USAID liaison office:
With great organization like USAID, Dago has offered an office for Aphia Plus program that is providing WASH services to over 5000 children from over 14 communities and also helping more than 500 homes. This has offered so many job opportunities and mentorship training for our local women. Currently this program is employing 67 women from different communities. They all converge at Dago children center once a week, for training, reporting, mentorship and empowerment.

Adult Education:
Dago has initiated an adult education program. This is aimed at providing education for our elders. This is very necessary to help with all our educational needs in the area. We hope to scale up this initiative and cover contents in human rights, family needs, civic education and basic financial literacy classes.

Financial literacy:
Dago in partnership with one of the universities has developed a financial literacy program for a group of 70 women who have also benefitted from the micro finance initiative we currently run. Since 2009, we have enjoyed this wonderful partnership and we are scaling up to other basic simple business skills for the community.

The computer center lacks enough resources to meet all the community needs. We hope to stock it with large printer, more updated computers, latest programs, scanners, reliable Internet service, and digital camera equipment’s as well as updated teaching materials.

We have a small resource library at the center. We hope to stock it with relevant materials that will better meet the needs of the community. These materials should address what the community needs in terms of their daily lives and business and developmental needs.

We hope to get more materials that will benefit the adult education initiatives.

Translation needs for the content of the materials that we are providing for the adults participating in our programs.

We have enough space to build the resource center in the community.

We have a rising group of community members who are working hard and always looking for opportunities to expand or start business.

We have a large group of youths and women always interested in studying computers and get certified.

There are always opportunities to partner with other organizations, universities, volunteers and well wishers to help us reach more community needs.

Volunteers love to spend time in Dago, we have lots of volunteer opportunities with our community resource center initiative. Groups, family and individuals are welcomed

Other Long term goal provisions:
– Building a boys dormitory
– Building a resource center
– Building a community library
– Building more classrooms in school.

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Donation Total: $100